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Comentarios (4)

Kuman - 25 Mayo 05:27

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Rohan - 14 Enero 19:26

Busca contactos sexuales cerca de ti. Hola mi nombre es Gina, soy tal cual me ves en las fotos, delgada, de pecho natural,rubia, lavios carnosos, y una mirada muy sensual

Emmanuel - 22 Octubre 05:29

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Bobbie - 11 Enero 15:35

But why have sex if there is no sexual attraction? That doesn't make any sense

Garg - 24 Enero 02:59

During this particular video (despite having a great premise I was very distracted by your co-host and could no longer pay attention to the topic fully. I found that he says like a lot, like a lot. 84 times during this 6 minute and 39 second video. that's an average of 1 like every 4.75 seconds. I also found that this seemed to distract you as well. At which point you were trying to use any other word, when like would have otherwise been appropriate. You only used the word like about 9 times.