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Comentarios (2)

Mammie - 12 Augusto 17:38

Sin retoques son mi fotos sin engaños. Soy completamente viciosa, fiestas, besos de lengua, francés al natural hasta final. Domicilios, así que no pie

Teri - 14 Noviembre 16:23

Колоритная красавица не прочь позировать обнаженной и, отдавшись порыву страсти, а вот куда именно -- я и понятия не имею.

Teodoro - 15 Enero 19:55

There's just one thing I'm a littlebit confused about and I just need to confirm or disconfirm this question: I have had cold sores before, so HSV1 I presume. The cold sores haven't been disastrous and super duper painful, but it's quite sore and definitely uncomfortable. Now, question: You said I can transfer herpes from mouth to genitals, but is that only during outbrakes or can I transfer my mouth herpes/cold sores to genitals (or mouth for that matter when not having an outbreak? 'Preciate it!

Rupert - 11 Febrero 06:49

weak butt. needs some workout.

Bibi - 12 Julio 13:38

I could do better than he did

Evan - 24 Diciembre 02:16

Did not describe taste or smell.

Hodgens - 28 Febrero 11:58


Renata. Edad: 20
Marcela. Edad: 20
Vicky. Edad: 22